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Is there a secret to keeping your skin smooth without the ingrown hairs rearing their ugly heads? In this article, we're breaking down the nitty gritty between three of the most common hair removal methods - tweezing, shaving, and hair removal serum oils. 
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You've probably heard of PCOS, but do you really know what it is? PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a...

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Got a case of acne or dry skin that just won't quit? Before you slather on another harsh acne treatment, heavily fragranced moisturize, or facial product you found at your local chain drug store, it may be time to take a new approach to skincare. Going back to basics with natural ingredients could be just what your skin needs. 
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You know how your skin changes with the seasons, but does your skincare routine? The changing weather can wreak havoc on your complexion if you don’t adapt. As the temperature drops, your skin gets drier. When it heats back up, oil production skyrockets. 

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You've noticed more hair growing in places you'd rather it not, like your chin, chest, and stomach. It's getting annoying having to shave or pluck those stray hairs all the time. You've heard of herbal remedies that might help with hirsutism. But do they really work or are they a waste of money? 

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You wake up, look in the mirror, and notice those pesky ingrown hairs on your face staring back at you. We all get them from time to time, but if it seems like you have a perpetual crop of red, irritated bumps from ingrown hairs taking over your complexion, it may be time to learn how to prevent and treat them. 

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Have you ever tried shaving, waxing, or plucking only to end up with razor burn, ingrown hairs, bumps, and irritation? If you have sensitive skin, removing facial hair can be a real pain. But don't worry; there are ways to get a smooth face without causing a flare-up. In this article, we'll go over the best facial hair removal methods for sensitive skin. 

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You wake up, look in the mirror, and frown. Those dark, coarse hairs that have been slowly but steadily sprouting more and more are still there, on your chin, above your lips, along your jawline. You know you're not alone; hirsutism affects around 10 percent of women. But knowing that doesn't always make you feel any less self-conscious or abnormal. 

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You've probably tried shaving, waxing, tweezing, and hair removal creams, but your hirsutism keeps causing unwanted hair growth in all the wrong places. No matter how much you shave, the dark hair on your chin, chest, stomach or back just seems to grow back thicker and faster than ever. You've researched the best facial hair reduction techniques for hirsutism, including laser hair removal, electrolysis, prescription creams, and even considered hormone therapy, but you still aren't sure which option will really work in the long run. In this article, we'll go over the pros and cons of today's most popular hirsutism treatments to help you figure out the best hair removal method for your unique situation. Keep reading to finally get the smooth skin you've been wishing for!

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You've heard about African black soap and know it's supposed to be great for your skin, but how does it really compare to other natural face washes? With so many options for cleansers and scrubs that promise glowing, healthy skin, it can be tough to know which one to choose. 

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Have you ever noticed those pesky bumps that seem to randomly pop up on your face? Yeah, we're talking about ingrown hairs - they can be painful and just plain annoying. But before you go attacking your face with tweezers, listen up.
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You wake up, look in the mirror, and sigh. The dark hair scattered across your chin and upper lip is still there. Unwanted facial hair can really knock your confidence but don't despair. With the right cosmetic camouflage techniques, you can conceal those unsightly hairs and face the day with a smile. 
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Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed those dark spots dotting your face? You're not alone. Dealing with...

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You know that feeling when you look in the mirror and just don't feel like yourself? Those little bumps, red spots, and uneven tone that seem to glare back no matter how much makeup you pile on. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can really do a number on your skin and your self-confidence. But you don't have to let it! In this post, we'll chat about some simple tips and tricks to get your skin glowing and your confidence rising. 
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During this Women's History Month, we're celebrating diverse women in science, technology, engineering, math and wellness who make our world more vibrant. Women with beautiful minds and beautiful skin. Women who know representation matters. Each woman's path was unique, but they shared perseverance and passion. 
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Have you noticed your complexion looking a little dull and uneven lately? Don't worry, it happens to all of us. But there's a fabulous product that can help get your skin glowing evenly again - Umber by J. Lenay sugar scrub. After using this nourishing scrub just a couple of times a week, you'll be amazed at how it transforms uneven tone and texture. Get ready to say goodbye to patchiness and hello to a fresh, dewy complexion!
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You know those annoying bumps that pop up on your face after shaving? Yeah, those suck. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Ingrown hairs happen when freshly shaved hair gets trapped under your skin, but they don’t have to be a part of your daily routine.
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Society's narrow beauty standards tell you that women aren't supposed to be hairy. You try to hide it, tweezing and shaving constantly, but the hair keeps growing back. But here's the truth: you're not alone. Plenty of women have hirsutism and struggle with the same feelings.

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So you just shaved or waxed and now see those pesky red bumps popping up all over. We've all been there. Ingrown hairs can be annoying and make you want to hide your legs. But why do they happen in the first place? 
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